cancer management

Powerful Natural Immune Booster in Cancer Management

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Cancer is now one of the most deadly diseases of our century.

At present, nothing really seems perfectly working. The most assured protocols for cancer management and its reversal lies in alternative medicine therapies and it’s still not an easy ride for any physician of alternative medicine practitioner. We still continue to explore many different ways to battle this monster-like disease.

Over the years, my personal experience in cancer management with Alternative medicine methods really points to the importance of Boosting The Immune System along with medications for prevention of Angiogenesis, for Parasites, for Virus, antineoplastic herbal remedies, detoxification herbs etc.

Cancer immunotherapy or Boosting of the immune system specifically due to cancer invasion which works by activating the body’s own immune system, has become an increasingly important treatment option for cancers.

In recent years, successes in anti-tumor treatments with antibodies and cell-based herbal immunotherapy has become landmark events in the history of tumor treatment. As innate immune cells, natural killer (NK) cells are unique and play pivotal functions in cancer immune surveillance.

NK cells can eliminate a variety of abnormal or stressed cells without prior sensitization, and even preferentially kill stem-like cells or cancer stem cells. Upon forming immune synapses with target cells, NK cells release preformed cytolytic granules, including perforin, and granzymes, of which function is to induce cell lysis (the breakage of the cancer cell wall and leakage of the cellular contents, eventually resulting in the death of the cancer cell) .

Cellular Healing Generates Natural Killer Cells to Fight Cancer.

Small granules in the Natural Killer Cells’ cytoplasm contain perforin and granzymes.

The perforin opens up a pore in the nucleus of the cancer cell. The granzymes enter the pore and go into the nucleus where they induce apoptosis (cellular suicide), resulting in the destruction of the cancer cell. It is easier said than done though, the patient has a lot of roles to play too especially on his/her diets and mental state.

When the granzymes enter the pore and go into the nucleus, they separate the DNA double helix by unwinding the DNA strands, causing nucleotides to scatter all over the cancer cells’ nucleus. The double helix collapses, along with the DNA, RNA, and genes of the cancer cells, resulting in cancer cell destruction from the inside.

Cellular Healing helps the cancer patient generate Natural Killer Cells which seek, identify, attack, and destroy the cancer cells

I have use several supplements, herbs and juicing protocols to this effect and will love to educate you on two of them.

1. Nature’s Way Cell Forté IP-6 & Inositol Supplement
This is not to advertise a product but to recommend what I have used with great results. You can check the bottle of any MG you get for dosage instructions

Don’t use more than two weeks at a time, you can pause for a week and resume taking it again.

IP6 boosts the immune system through its unique antioxidant properties. Because it can bind with certain metals like iron, it can prevent the formation of iron-containing free radicals. This therefore reduces damage to cells and their DNA. IP6 prevents other types of free radicals from forming as well. With less oxidative stress, the immune system can better protect the whole body.

IP6 thus interrupt the usual course of cancer progression. For one, it’s antioxidant properties helps enhance immunity, which, in turn, helps the body combat malignant cells. In addition, it appears that IP6 is involved in expression of certain genes that play a role in cancer development and recovery.

2. Herbal Remedy For Empowering The Immune System
What you need

  • Water from immature coconut (about 3 liters)
  • 750 ml of bee’s honey, crude unfiltered honey
  • 10 gm of camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
  • Flowers of Eugenia caryophyllata (Kanafuru)
  • Seeds and Mace of Myristica fragrance (Ariwo in Yoruba)
  • Fresh ginger
  • Seeds of Trachyspermum roxburghianum Or Seeds of Nigella sativa
  • Leaves of Cannabis sativa are or dry Nicotina tabacum (if Cannabis is not yet allowed to be used in your country), it is approved for medical purposes only in some countries in the world.


Grind everything together in good proportions
pour the paste into a big clay pot with cover

Pour the coconut water and honey on them
stir and seal the mouth of the pot (not just cover) for good fermentation

Open it after a week and filter it

Take 10 to 40ml twice or thrice daily

It is a powerful immune booster. Regardless of your choice of cancer treatment, the above two immune boosters can be well accommodated, your mind set and your dietary habits can all increase your chances of overcoming that monster called cancer.

You can send us WhatsApp message to schedule consultation with you on Cancer care with Alternative medicine methods or call 07030420960

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