The hidden causes-cancer

The HIDDEN CAUSES OF CANCER (enemy of oneself)

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Cancer development occurs through the years and decades because of unhealthy lifestyles, and it is possible to reverse it gradually within years.

Cancer has an organ mechanism to protect itself from failure. When the organ recovers and regains its regular function, cancer disappears. 

There are many pathways involved in its development. Let me explain some of those pathways and how to reverse, replenish or repair them naturally.

Notch Signaling: The intention to harm, insult, or mock someone. Plus the extension of that statement or action and the repetition of it increase such signaling.

Avoid repeating such statements and actions, plus repent over those you said already. Notch gene is over-expressed and activated its oncogenic.

Grudges: Our grudges are like threads that tied the springs in our hearts. The heart cannot contract or relax because of it. The ability of the heart to push blood to reach the borders of our organs fails in every single beat. It leads to an increase in blood pressure or an increase in angiogenesis.

Untie the knots of grudges in your heart.

Scattering thoughts: People or circumstances may cause scattering thoughts. It is very harmful to your blood when you react and extend such thoughts.

Gather yourself and focus on some things you enjoy doing. There are billions of things to uncover in the world, and get busy with those you like one by one.

Oxygen in the air: There are tons of toxic chemicals in closed and crowded spaces, expelled them on time with fresh air.

Refresh the air in your room or the environment you spend most of your time. 

Cultivate love for all the seasons. Allow yourself to be adaptable to the natural seasons and enjoy them.

Oxygen in the brain: There are three (3) centers in the brain that regulate the amount of oxygen the body needs, even if there is oxygen in the air.

If we are stressed or not hopeful or thankful, then there is a decrease in the amount of oxygen we will absorb, not because we don’t need that oxygen but that we are generating pains from that than energy.

This task is like punishment for not being thankful for the abundant oxygen we absorb and food to eat. 

Gratitude matters here.

Eating amount: We need to eat more when growing from being young to fully grown adults. But once we have attained our growth, we need to stop over-eating as that extra food would turn into fats or cholesterol, making us fatter than the regular size.

The extra nutrients have nowhere to go but move around in the blood, causing increase blood cell division and inducing insulin secretion. Insulin forces cells to take that excess food and increases cell division to adjust those nutrients.

Although insulin lowers blood glucose, it is oncogenic (causing development of a tumour or tumours). Greater secretion of insulin could cause cancer, and this is why people with type one (1) diabetes immune systems kill extra cells in Islets of Langerhans to save the rest of organs from higher insulin levels that induce cancers.

Eating pattern: Eating for a longer duration helps increase cortisol levels, which target bacterial and viral killing, damaged/extra mitochondria, other organelles. Also, misfolded proteins are chopped into small pieces to gather the food and remove the toxic contents. Lastly, replacing dead cells with new and clean ones. 

A longer eating duration also secretes a Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) hormone, which increases lubrication of the whole gut, urinary and reproductive tracts, blood vessels and refreshes your skin. Eating with slight breaks increases a hormone PACAP (Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide) which causes infections, damage, and dryness.

Hedgehog: Our lives are our messages or our impact on others. There are some unseen kinds of influence, like our wishes, desire to harm or benefit others. 

A lifestyle like our outward appearance or communication that provokes others socially or sexually makes us suffer a lot. 

If we continue to reject the insults, mocks, seductive and harmful intentions, negative attitudes/statements/or actions, they will help us grow to maturity and also have a good impact on others and our health.

Retinoic acid: The best nutrient for our eyesight is vitamin A. It acts like paper for the light we absorb through our ocular and cerebral vision. 

Vitamin A turns into retinoic acid (RA). RA signals the cell the light we absorb. Violet is considered small wavelength light and breaks DNA that causes mutations, and blue, which is a bit longer but still not the right light for energy absorption. 

Our vision is important, so we must absorb and send pleasant light to the world.

Sex hormonesSex hormones are secreted after every sexual activity as sex cause damage to the genetic data in our cells


Sex hormones repair the DNA damage by increasing the number of DNA, repair enzymes, and induce asymmetric cell division to divide two cells such that one cell gets clean and the other get the damaged stuff and toxins.  

Most of such dirt-filled cells and microbes are pushed to the skin, urinary, gut, and respiratory tracts, so bathing after every sexual activity is obligatory to wipe that mess.

It is not the sexual activity but its greater than normal frequency and the higher time spent in sexual activity that makes us more prone to infections and diseases.

Marital and extramarital sex get different through many pathways of intentions, transcriptions, and translation.

Organ weakness
: Organs function reduce as we grow older because of so many reasons like fibrosis or the rate of cells turnover. 

The rate at which cells function, repair, or replace themselves gets slower than the way they nourished, damaged, or die. 

Cancer or viral infection cause organ failure by stopping cell death and increase division or fibrosis.

Fibrosis develops when the cells collect the toxic amino acids and carbohydrates and insert them into protein fibers with glycation. The cells expel extracellularly and remain there in the organ, making it harder and losing the space for normal cells to replace it.

Fasting (long-term) breaks down the fibers and reduces fibrosis by eliminating the toxic glycated protein fibers from the brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart. 

Medications: Some drugs help for some time, not all the time, and they have hundreds of side effects as medicines are analogs of endogenous chemicals, not natural chemical messengers, so drugs become a kind of deception. We can’t deceive the body for long.

People use prescription drugs for decades, which become harmful to their health in the long run. 

Chemotherapy is a DNA replication blocking agent and is very toxic for organs like the liver, kidneys, and gut. It is more lethal than cancer itself. Never opt for it.

Cancer occurs after an organ weakness. Cancer is not decreasing but increasing life span in a deranged metabolic state and stressful circumstances.

Chemo ruins your already compromised organs’ survival.

Being pious: No matter how wise we are, we can still make terrible mistakes, so we must surrender to our God in humility and follow our religious obligations and duties on time, so that for things we are ignorant of or find difficult to understand, He does those for us. We should all feel remorse and ask for mercy.

Memory: Our wisdom is always partial or limited and our memory too, so if you want to follow these guidelines you should read it as often as you can till you remember it all.

All the best.

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