
The Key To Reversing Cancer

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The key to reverse cancer is not killing cancerous cells, but removing the CAUSE of their damaging.

It’s like if you never change the water in your fish tank. And additionally, if you feed your fishes with poor quality food that they shouldn’t and don’t want to eat. This uneaten food will rotten somewhere at the bottom of the tank, it is also being broken down into putrefaction processes, bacteria and simple organisms.

After few years of such fish tank neglecting, it becomes a stinking swamp and fishes have a hard time surviving, if not dead already.

Allopathic approach to reversing cell canceration is exactly like if we attempt to bring balance to our fish tank, by use of supplements or medications (even natural) that kill weakened fishes.

We will never bring the excellence of the ecosystem of the fish tank by pouring into it strong acids (chemotherapy), that kill the weakest fishes and weaken the healthy ones at the same time.

Obviously, this way we will not prevent losing more fish in the future. Our fishes don’t die because they are unlucky and “catch a disease”, they die because they

are forced to live in an unsuitable environment.

The fish tank is like your body, and fishes are like your cells. Food getting rotten at the bottom is improper likewise the acid-forming foods we most probably eat every day, which can not be fully digested nor utilized by cells. Such undigested foods, rot and putrefy in our colon and poisons with acids, toxins, urea, ammonia, alcohol, sulfur, CO2, etc.

Undigested foods are becoming food for pathogenic bacteria, yeast, fungus and parasites. Their role is to cleanse and bring balance to the environment.

Each of the trillions of your cells is being fed, they fulfil their function and eliminate wastes just like every fish poops and pees. Each of the trillions of your cells (with some exceptions), to function properly, must live in a slightly alkaline environment, free of acids, toxins and synthetics.

If the lymph is not flushing cells because of lymphatic congestion (water in the tank is not changed), and if kidneys are not filtering out wastes from lymph (filter is not cleansing water), acids and toxins accumulate in the body.

After several years of such accumulation, the interstitial environment becomes the perfect terrain for pathogens, fungus and parasites.

Excess acids and toxins eventually will damage cells, make them mutate and become cancerous.

Therefore curing cancer by killing cancerous cells so often ends up as a failure.

Even if cancerous cells are killed or surgically removed, acids and toxins remain in the body. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that after some time other cells are being damaged, what doctors label as “cancer spreading”. It is acids and toxins that spread and now burn cells in other places.

You have to cleanse the environment in your body to restore kidneys filtration, drain the lymphatic system, and most of all, you must cease consuming foods that only rot and putrefy in intestines, poisoning your body with acids and toxins.

Cancer is a complex disease and as such, no single therapy works for everyone considering different causes, differences in gender, age and types of cancer.

However, one of the best ways we have recorded many successful cancer treatments is by removing the root causes which requires hard work and a certain amount of discipline from the cancer patient, but it pays all the penny.

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