Cancer Menace: So Deadly, But Your Faith Can Save You

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Despite the advancements in medical discoveries and science, some disease like cancer still look far off from getting the real solution.

It kills millions yearly and it respects no gender or social class or educational background, it has killed even some influential people who could afford anything to survive.

Such a deadly disease cancer is!

But on the other side of cancer management where millions are dying, we have people who have beat cancer successfully, there are millions of cancer survivors. If discovered early enough, natural treatment modalities presents better hope for its survival, even at later stage of cancer, some individuals have survived it with natural therapies or in some cases, little chemotherapy and more natural therapies in combination.

Most of these natural therapies include several protocols like detoxification of heavy metals, cleansing the colon, boosting immune system, using herbal remedies against angiogenesis, using natural remedies that has antineoplastic effects and those that block primary metabolite of cells, etc.

All the above also comes with strict dietary protocols like eating only raw foods and not eating any carbs since cells use it as source of energy and cancer cells can only be fed more on glucose and few other nutrients like iron, so such and chemical foods are advised against, processed foods 

However, something is more important than all the above which many people don’t put into consideration or are even ignorant of it. 

Our thoughts, emotions, state of mind, control our overall well-being. Many have been unfortunate to meet with a physician who doesn’t believe that someone could survive cancer and all that can be done is to extend life through some synthetic therapies, that though used to wreck so many people’s emotions, many do lose hope and stop fighting that monster (cancer) within and that’s the most important aspect of fighting cancer if there is going to be any chance for surviving.

Conventional medicine is not an exact science, a disease that was incurable yesterday was curable today and what life presents at times are not exactly what they learned in medical schools.

When they came to deal with life, they knew so little about the living body that they could not be dogmatic. 

They could only lay down hypotheses which would hold for a day and then pass away and just as the teachings of seventy years ago seemed to them very curious and not very sound, so it would be exactly the same forty years hence.”

Nature is unsearchable, the knowledge embedded in nature is infinite, so the human body and it is just not possible for a human to predict exactly how it will always reach to a substance in a disease state.

Therefore, keep your survival FAITH intact even under deadly disease like cancer, even regardless of any stage, don’t lose hope, don’t drop down, don’t bow down, keep fighting.

Your mind can influence your immune system in great ways to fight the disease with you.

Be positive always, envisage things you will do in the future when you are healthy enough to, make plans, all these will boost your energy to fight.

If you are battling with cancer and need emotional support and second opinion on managing it apart from conventional health care, kindly send us WhatsApp message or call through the contact details in the Contact page
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