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The prostate is a walnut-size gland that encircles the urethra just below the bladder. Glandular tissue contributes fluid to the SEMEN, muscles within the prostate help expel semen during ejaculation. 
Disorders of the prostate are relatively common. More than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions, such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and prostate cancer. The first is more common in younger men; the last two become more common with age.
Prostatitis (prostate inflammation) affects about half of men sometime during their lifetime. Bacteria can infect the prostate gland. The prostate is also susceptible to acute and chronic non-infectious inflammation, though the underlying cause is poorly understood.
The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis include frequent and painful urination, pain in the low back or behind the testicles, painful ejaculation, aching muscles, fever, chills, and fatigue. Chronic bacterial infection can cause mild symptoms or none at all. Noninfectious prostatitis mainly causes pelvic pain, as well as pain with ejaculation and urination. Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics. Treatment of non-infectious prostatitis is more challenging. Pain relievers, a class of medication called beta-blockers, and physical therapy may help. 
Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), affects mostly older men. About half of fifty to sixty year old men develop BPH. Between ages eighty and ninety, that proportion rises to nearly 90 percent. This non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate encroaches on the urethra, decreasing the ability of urine to easily flow from the bladder. Symptoms include increased frequency and urgency of urination, night-time urination, a weak urine stream, an inability to fully empty the bladder, and difficulty stopping and starting urination.
The underlying cause is an age-related rise in prostate levels of di-hydro-testosterone (DHT) as well as estrogen, which stimulate cells to multiply. Prescription medications can reduce prostate size and improve urine flow.
Some herbs may be helpful in cases of mild and severe BPH. The latter may require more a professional approach.
Some of these herbs include extracts of the African plant pygeum (Pygeum africanum), saw palmetto (Serenoa repens), and nettle root (Urtica dioica). 
Several studies show that supplemental beta sitosterol (a plant chemical structurally similar to cholesterol) reduces BPH symptoms. These botanical treatments mainly reduce symptoms, but without shrinking the size of the prostate. 
Reported side effects for these supplements are minor and rare. Excluding skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. Each year, some 230,000 men learn they have it. For most men, the prognosis is good with adequate treatment from our cancer Reversal Protocols. 
Risks of prostate cancer include family history, older age, black race, obesity, and higher consumption of meat and high-fat dairy products. 
Until it spreads to other tissues, prostate cancer causes no symptoms unless it narrows the urethra (making urination more difficult) or releases blood into the urine. That’s why annual physical exams are important. Specifically, a doctor or nurse performs a digital rectal exam, which allows the examiner to estimate the size and texture of the prostate gland. 
Controversy exists about screening tests using prostate specific antigen (PSA), a protein unique to the prostate. The problem is that, in 
addition to prostate cancer, other prostate conditions (prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia) increase levels of this protein.
That means that many men with benign causes of elevated PSA levels are subjected to prostate biopsies and needless anxiety. Furthermore, most cases of prostate cancer progress relatively slowly.
Lifestyle changes is very important to prevent or manage/reverse prostate disease 
Working the night shift has been linked to an increase in prostate cancer, as well as breast cancer. Exposure to lights at night, drives down melatonin, a hormone that regulates daily rhythms, acts as an antioxidant, promotes immune function, and may have direct anti-cancer effects. A study found that taking melatonin supplements with conventional treatment further decreased some markers of prostate cancer.
Don’t self-medicate on prostate cancer without checking with your doctor. You can schedule appointment with Us. 
Avoid tobacco smoke. It causes cancer in multiple organ systems.
Follow a whole-foods diet, one high in vegetables and fruits with moderate intake of animal foods. In addition to age and family history, other risk factors for developing BPH include diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, or heart disease. 
Consuming lots of carbohydrates (especially refined carbohydrates and added sugar) and fats is also a risk. In general, excessive calorie intake promotes unhealthy weight gain, elevated blood sugar levels, and resistance to the actions of insulin (the hormone that stimulates sugar to enter cells), which causes insulin levels to rise. Insulin seems to promote prostatic growth.
Lower levels of vitamin D may also explain why black men are more at risk for aggressive prostate cancer than are white men (who require less UV exposure to make vitamin D). If you’re thinking of taking vitamin D supplements, talk to your doctor first.
Tomato and Pumpkin Seed Therapy Salad
1 can (13 ounces, or 368 g) tomatoes, drained
½ white onion, chopped
¼ cup (4 g) fresh cilantro leaves, chopped
½ cup (32 g) roasted pumpkin seeds
1 bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 garlic clove
1 tablespoon (15 ml) fresh lime juice

Preparation and Use:
Pure the tomatoes, onion, cilantro, pumpkin seeds, bell pepper, garlic, and lime juice in a blender until coarse.
Pour in a bowl and add just enough water to give it a sauce-like consistency.
Add salt to taste.
Drizzle over broiled fish or edible Mushrooms 
Green Tea
2 green tea bags
Handful of fresh mint
Fresh lime juice
Honey, to taste
Preparation and Use:
Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan and then turn off the heat.
Add the tea and mint and steep, covered, for about 10 minutes.
Pour into cups, straining out the mint.
Stir in the lime juice and honey.
Enjoy hot or cold.
Broiled Tomatoes with Beneficial Garlic
3 large round medium tomatoes 
3 large garlic cloves 
2 teaspoons (2 g) crushed dried thyme leaves 
Freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoon (10 g) crushed garlic
Preparation and Use:
Cut each tomato in pieces.
Slice or pound other ingredients 
Pour all into a litter of hot water, cover for 30 minutes. 
Drink 25cl at intervals of 3 hours. 
Pumpkin Seed
Chew up 15 seeds of pumpkin seeds daily and drink warm water on it

Turmeric And Black Pepper Combo
Turmeric powder 15g
Black pepper 5g
Pour both in 40cl of hot water, stir well and sieve
Drink warm
You can drink this twice a day 
You can also check with us for a prostate enlargement, Prostate inflammation and prostate cancer ready made remedies and treatments 
Muscle-Toning Kegel Exercises
These exercises improve the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and may reduce urinary symptoms of prostatitis and improve urinary continence 
How To Perform It
A rug or comfortable pad
Preparation and Use:
First, locate the pelvic floor muscles, which are below the bladder; the easiest time to identify them is during urination. (You use the same muscles to stop yourself from passing gas.)
Partway through urination, purposely contract those muscles to stop the flow of urine without holding your breath or tensing the other muscles in your abdomen, legs, or buttocks. When you successfully interrupt the flow, you have located the correct muscles. Also, the contraction causes your testicles and base of your penis to rise. 
From now on, perform Kegels when you’re not urinating. Doing it while urinating may weaken, rather than strengthen, pelvic floor muscles.
Next: With an empty bladder, lie flat on your back on the rug or pad.
Counting to five, slowly contract the pelvic floor muscles you have located above.
Counting to five again, slowly relax the pelvic floor muscles. 
Repeat this pair of movements ten times for one full set.
Practice three full sets daily. 
Gradually, within a month, work up to counting to ten as you contract and relax the muscles.
Work up to five sets daily.
As your muscles become stronger, do the exercise in a standing position. This will increase your muscle control.
Contact Us or your Doctor if : 
• You have symptoms of prostatitis. Fever, chills, and nausea are associated with acute bacterial prostatitis. Chronic bacterial prostatitis can cause blood in semen or urine. 
• You have symptoms of BPH: frequent and painful urination, pain in the low back, pelvis, or behind the testicles, painful ejaculation, aching muscles, fever, chills, and fatigue. Get a proper diagnosis, even if you want to try a dietary supplement such as saw palmetto. Symptoms of BPH can overlap with those of prostate cancer.
• You develop trouble urinating, blood in urine or semen, discomfort in the pelvic area, or bone pain.
Or you can discuss screening tests for prostate cancer with Us or your doctor.
For more clarification on the above article or you want more information on prostate treatment or prevention, kindly reach us via our WhatsApp handle on 07030420960 or visit our website for more information.
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